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TCO Principal Conductor:Yu-An CHANG

Born in Taipei and Raised in Penghu, Taiwan, Yu-An was awarded the 1st. prize of the Bucharest international conducting competition in 2016. In 2018, he served as conducting fellow at Tanglewood Music Festival and was then appointed as Assistant Conductor to the Boston Symphony Orchestra for two seasons until 2020. He is appointed as Principal Conductor of the Taipei Chinese Orchestra in 2022 as continuing his conducting activities across Europe, America, and Asia.

Yu-An began his music journey at the age of 16 with traditional instruments. Prof. Apo Ching-Hsin HSU was his first mentor leading his way into the field of conducting. He persuaded further education in Hochschule fuer Musik Hanns Eisler, Berlin, under Prof. Christian EHWALD and Prof. Hans-Dieter BAUM in Master and Meisterklasse degree.

In August 2019, Yu-An made his Tanglewood debut with the Boston Symphony Orchestra. He then led 4 subscription concerts in Boston Symphony Hall in January 2020, which the critics described as “A marvel of precision, expression and clarity.”

In 2016, Yu-An married the girl of his dreams, Kai-Chuan. They live together in Berlin.