The TCO Academy Orchestra was established in December of 2010. Under TCO’s tutelage system, the Academy Orchestra’s main objective is to cultivate young musicians’ concept of orchestral playing as well as to develop their professional expertise. Each year, the Academy Orchestra performs in two or three large scale concerts with the goal of exchanging with and learning from masters all over the world. The Academy Orchestra members will be able to obtain invaluable experience, develop their musical career and broaden their international horizons. By recruiting only from the graduates of top universities of arts in Taiwan, members of the Academy Orchestra are the driving force for further promoting TCO onto the global stage.
The Academy Orchestra is the most talented and well qualified Chinese orchestra in Taiwan. The Academy Orchestra rehearses every Friday night for their regular training sessions. TCO has also prepared a series of courses on cultural studies, orchestra excerpts , high-level musicianship training, and chamber music training for developing their performing and academic abilities.