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20240601【Spectacular of TCO】The Everlasting Romance IV

/001/Upload/394/relpic/19869/9052925/2c7de37d-eedc-4802-9365-cc3cd2df96e0.jpg【精彩TCO Spectacular of TCO】

再續琴緣 IV The Everlasting Romance IV 

2024.6.1(Sat.) 7:30PM  

Venue:Zhongzheng Auditorium, Taipei Zhongshan Hall 

Price:$300、500、800、1000  Buy Ticket 

In this highly anticipated returning engagement of the “Oriental Paganini,” LU Siqin will bring his personal Stradivarius to perform the iconic Butterfly Concerto with TCO. It was said that LU’s sensitive rendition of this work had made even the composer HO Zhanhao cried. Also in the program is the Taiwan premiere of LI Bo’s 40-plus-minute long Seven Chapters of SUN Wukong which take the legend of the Monkey King as the point of departure to relate the multiplicity of characters and relationships in contemporary society. The work will feature soloist LIN Tzu-You, TCO’s Suona section chair. The audience will be mesmerized by the virtuosity and musicianship of these three musicians. 


Conductor:CHANG Yu-An 

Suona:LIN Tzu-You 

Violin:LU Siqin 


LI Bo: Seven Chapters of SUN Wukong Suona Concerto (Taiwan Premiere) 

YU Chung-Yuan : Trotting Horses Fantasia for Nanguan and Chinese Orchestra (Chinese Orchestra Version, World Premiere) 

HO Zhanhao, CHEN Gang (Orch. CHUNG Yiu-Kwong): The Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto